#Shotokan, #Karate, #MartialArts, #Martial-Arts, #Self-Defense
Dō 道 (pronounced 'dough'): "The Way". The way martial artists conduct their lives. *Karate-do *Judo *Bushido *Kobudo *Aikido
GAKUIN 学院 (pronounced 'ga-queen'): An academy, or learning institute.
GAKUIN 学院 (pronounced 'ga-queen'): An academy, or learning institute.
Class Schedule & Contact Information
- Sunday: 10:30-11:45am, 11:45am-1:00pm
- 91 No. Bayview Ave. Freeport NY 11520-1916 (entrance in back, under awning)
- Visitors are always welcome (by appointment)
- Telephone: 516-SHOTOKAN (516-746-8652)
- E-mail: do-gakuin@hotmail.com
- Twitter & Instagram: @DoGakuin
- Facebook: KarateFreeportNY
- Monday: 6:00-7:00, 7:00-8:00pm
* * * 8-9pm classes postponed during COVID * * *
- Wednesday: 6:00-7:00, 7:00-8:00pm
* * * 8-9pm classes postponed during COVID * * *
- Thursday: 6:00-7:00pm, 7:00-8:00pm
- We meet inside Congregation B'nai Israel
- 91 No. Bayview Ave. Freeport NY 11520-1916 (entrance in back, under awning)
- Visitors are always welcome (by appointment)
- Telephone: 516-SHOTOKAN (516-746-8652)
- E-mail: do-gakuin@hotmail.com
- Twitter & Instagram: @DoGakuin
- Facebook: KarateFreeportNY
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News & Upcoming Events
*Note: Our current dojo newsletter can be found at the bottom of this web page.
EFFECTIVE TUESDAY 3/17/2020: The dojo is closed for practice. Those who wish to train will meet in the back of the building. All facilities (restroom, dojo, etc.) are available.
20-minute private Zoom sessions are available Tuesday 6, 6:25, 7, & 7:25pm. Please schedule with Sensei.
We work out in the 1,200 sqft buffet room or 800 sqft double classroom during regular class hours. Hand sanitizer, paper towels, thermometer, and use of the restrooms are available.
We practice basics, combination techniques, and kata.
Ongoing 40-minute classes are available on Zoom.
Check with Sensei for meeting ID # and password.
Sun-Mon 7/4-5: Independence Day. Dojo open regular schedule.
Sun 9/26: NYTournaments event. Massapequa. Details at www.nytournaments.com
Sat-Sun 12/11-12: MKA Mediterranean Open. Details at:
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Kobudo/Kobujutsu Classes
Kobudo/kobujutsu (weapons) classes, separate from our Dō Gakuin prescribed Karate curriculum, are conducted on various Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm. Bo, sai, and tunfa are practiced. Open to all ranks, all styles, as well as non-martial artists. Separate fee - a modest $30/class (1-1/4 to 1-1/2 hours) for these small group sessions with lots of individualized attention.
Kobudo/Kobujutsu classes are r.s.v.p. only. You must contact the dojo the week before. If there is no response, we will obviously not hold class.
Kobudo/Kobujutsu classes are r.s.v.p. only. You must contact the dojo the week before. If there is no response, we will obviously not hold class.
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スティーブ . ゴットウァート, 師範
Steve Gottwirt, Chief Instructor
Shihan Gottwirt began martial arts in 1967, eventually awarded E-Dun - 2nd degree Black Belt in Moo Duk Kwan-Tae Kwon Do. Training in Shotokan under Shihan Mike Hatgis since 1976, he earned San Dan - 3rd degree and the title 'Sensei' in 1991, making him Dai Sempai (senior-most student) of Long Island Shotokai from 1991 to 2012. Holds Ni Dan - 2nd degree in Judo (National Sport Judo - Life Member) under Sensei Jimmy Zoubantes (Go Dan - 5th degree) and Walter Dean (Ku Dan - 9th degree). Was given Go Dan - 5th degree in Karate Division of U.S. Judo Association (Patron Life Member). Was elevated to Roku Dan - 6th degree in now-defunct United Martial Artists Association (N.Y. State Director). As Chief Instructor of Dō Gakuin, was awarded Yon Dan - 4th degree and the title 'Shihan' by the Yudansha (Black Belt members) in 1997 and Go Dan - 5th degree in 2011. Was awarded Go Dan rank certificates by Okano-kancho from Kenkojuku honbu in Japan, and by ASKKA.
Chest Patch

The chest patch shows a red circle on white background for the Japanese flag. The spread pine needles represent Shotokan, as 'Sho' means 'pine'. The kanji on the circle is 'Dō', meaning 'The Way'. Its overall design is reminiscent of the emblem used in Kenkojuku, the root association from which we came. The bottom reads: Dō Gakuin Shotokan Karate-do.
Back Patch
The back patch is a red circle on white gi background, representing the Japanese flag. The circle within a circle is 'In-Yo', the Japanese equivalent of 'Yin & Yang'. The tiger is by the artist Hoan Kosugi, and is an emblem representing Shotokan and Funakoshi O-sensei. The kanji reads 'Dō Gakuin'. The back patch is worn by non-beginners, 5th Kyu - Purple Belt and above.
Dō GAKUIN Beginnings
Many other websites go into great detail on Shotokan's origins. This site will give our beginnings:
N.Y. Institute of Technology in Old Westbury had a Karate club in the 1970s and 1980s run by Sensei Mike Hatgis and Black Belt Academy. Over the years, Sensei Hatgis showed up less frequently, leaving the club to be taught by his advanced students. As of the 1981-82 academic year, Sensei Steve Gottwirt began instructing the club on a regular basis. During the Fall 1985 semester, NY Tech Karate Club members expressed the desire for a new logo to specifically represent them. The club was a college activity open to the entire student body, so there were a variety of martial artists in addition to Shotokan practitioners. With different styles of Karate-do, Tae Kwon Do, Judo, and Aikido represented, it was democratically agreed that the kanji for 'Dō' within a red circle for the Japanese flag would be that new logo. Patches were made up over Christmas break 1985, and club members began wearing them on their return for the Spring '86 semester - January 7th. Dō Gakuin Shotokan Karate-do, Inc. was incorporated in 1995, and is certified with the University of the State of New York, State Education Department.
N.Y. Institute of Technology in Old Westbury had a Karate club in the 1970s and 1980s run by Sensei Mike Hatgis and Black Belt Academy. Over the years, Sensei Hatgis showed up less frequently, leaving the club to be taught by his advanced students. As of the 1981-82 academic year, Sensei Steve Gottwirt began instructing the club on a regular basis. During the Fall 1985 semester, NY Tech Karate Club members expressed the desire for a new logo to specifically represent them. The club was a college activity open to the entire student body, so there were a variety of martial artists in addition to Shotokan practitioners. With different styles of Karate-do, Tae Kwon Do, Judo, and Aikido represented, it was democratically agreed that the kanji for 'Dō' within a red circle for the Japanese flag would be that new logo. Patches were made up over Christmas break 1985, and club members began wearing them on their return for the Spring '86 semester - January 7th. Dō Gakuin Shotokan Karate-do, Inc. was incorporated in 1995, and is certified with the University of the State of New York, State Education Department.
Old Kenkojuku Patch
While not worn by Dō Gakuin members, Kenkojuku is the root association from which we began. "Ken" - modest, humble; "Ko" - to associate with; "Juku" - private (or 'cram') school. The association's motto is "Inner Strength with Outward Humility."
Mission Statement
The mission of Dō Gakuin Shotokan Karate-do, Inc. is to preserve Shotokan/Shotokai Karate as practiced by Black Belt Academy and members of Kenkojuku Association during the 1970s. Most Shotokan is now practiced following the teachings of the Japan Karate Association (JKA). The head of Kenkojuku, Master Tomosaburo Okano, was on the Panel of Masters for the Japan Karate-do Federation (JKF) in the standardization of the teaching of all Karate. Many changes were made to Shotokan, specific stylistic elements were lost in the process, bunkai has been altered, and some movements have completely disappeared. We shall strive to maintain our kata as it was, yet remain flexible enough to adopt new techniques in order to advance our knowledge and abilities. While subtle changes in kata were periodically made since the 1970s, Kenkojuku generally resembled that which Funakoshi O-sensei's followers practiced in his organization - Shotokai, which was established to differentiate his teachings from the changes JKA had made. A comparison as to when these different organizations were created shows the JKA forming in 1948, Shotokai beginning in 1956, and Master Okano founding Kenkojuku (originally called Kenko-kai Karate-bu) prior to them in 1942.
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Literally, "old martial way", a generic term used to describe collectively all training using Okinawan weapons of the Ryukyu islands, however, it is more accurate to specify whether the form is "Okinawan kobudo" or "Japanese kobudo" in nature.
Yamanni Ryu
Masters Toshihiro Oshiro and Kiyoshi Nishime flank Shihan Gottwirt at 1985 kobudo seminar.

Master Toyotaro Miyazaki is a certified senior instructor authorized to issue rank in the Yamanni-Ryu system.

Shihan Mike Hatgis teaches bo, jo, sai, and tonfa.
Master Fumio Demura

World renowned weapons expert. Our 'Demura no bo' is an exercise he taught Shihan Gottwirt at seminar in the 1980s.

Shihan Masakazu Takahashi - current head of USA Kenkojuku. He taught Kihon Sai and our first 5 sai attacks, and our nunchaku kata is based on his kata 'Sokan'.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
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